The energy of MOVEMENT
During the Fall season, vata dosha is most predominant. Made up of the ether and air elements, vata is the mobile force of the universe which inspires all activity and movement inside and outside of the body. Prana, the vital life force, is the pure essence of vata. Vata governs physical movement, circulation, communication, mental activity, sensory perception, motor function, respiration, heart function and all nervous system impulses. Enthusiasm, joy, clarity and creativity are a few of the psychological roles vata plays.
The key qualities of vata and fall alike are dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile and clear.
When these qualities are in a balanced state, the vata person experiences excellent health,
stability, creativity and freedom. Ruled by the subtle body, the vata person has the greatest
potential for attaining a spiritual life and experiencing love and sensuality on a spiritual plane.
Full of imagination, these individuals tend to possess an alert, excited and impulsive disposition. Vata is derived from the root word “to move”, and this is what vata individuals do very well! They enjoy exercise, adventure, travel and continual stimulation. They favor professions involving travel, change and flexibility. They tend to make money quickly but spend it quickly. Vata people are blessed with the gift of gab. The vata type is naturally light and delicate with dry eyes and skin. With irregular appetites and thirst, vatas often experience digestive and absorption problems.
During the fall season, due to the higher level of air and ether elements in the environment, vata people become more susceptible to air related ailments. When the vata qualities accumulate within the body and mind due to wrong diet, lifestyle and season, vata accumulates and begins
to manifest various imbalances. Vata imbalances may manifest within the body as constipation, flatulence, dry skin, insomnia, arthritis or sciatica. When out of balance emotionally, the light quality of vata provokes fear, anxiety, loneliness and insecurity. Special care must be taken in order for them to remain grounded, warm and confident. In general, to balance vata, we learn to apply its opposite qualities to any given imbalance. For example, if a vata person is experiencing increased dry quality in their body, we will encourage them to utilize moistening, warming and nourishing foods, remedies and practices.
(more to come)