Take Responsibility - The Ayurvedic Way

I have loved Ayurveda for over 2 decades and find something new every time I get deeper into it. My intention for this blog was to share how I have come to this self-responsible time in my life by referring to Ayurveda and it's teachings for all things that ail me, my family and my community.

Since everything can be explained and understood applying Ayurveda it just makes sense to start at the beginning.

Ayurveda means, The Science of Long Life, and has itself, been alive on planet earth for over 5,000yrs. I would say that anything that can survive that long - especially a healthcare system - and still be relevant is the one for me. I am not into any new technologies or ways of healing other than Ayurveda for my own life, yet they all have their place.

Taking responsibility for your own life, for your own health is a fairly new idea, as my parents and grandparents hung on every single word any doctor ever said to them as if it were gold-plated. And maybe that is because the internet - being a fairly new device - one can pretty much look up anything and get information, unlike when they were younger. Anyway, back to taking responsibility.

Our world has made it so easy to blame others. For little and big things. When you blame others - without taking a good long look at yourself and your own shit - that is irresponsible and comes at a cost to your health. Taking responsibility for our health means to admit when we are falling behind in our daily routines, when we have eaten poorly for too long, and when our bodies can't rest because of stress or the improper nutrition we have been giving it. But not only admit that it is our doing (or not doing) and make the small necessary changes to get back on track.

Mind, Body and Spirit all play a role in our health, in our immune system. Taking the right steps toward boosting your immune system is the single most important thing you can do for this home we call a body. When your immune system is working optimally, your mind, body and spirit are happy and stand at the ready to defend all your hard work. 

Stay tuned for my continued look into the immune system and how you can start taking responsibility - right now - to better your health for a long, happy life.
